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UAS Mapping Services

Accuracy Matters

Es² maintains a highly-trained staff of FAA certified Remote Pilots in Command, registered professional engineers, and certified GIS Professionals to provide wide range of UAS-based data products and services.  Es² personnel are also Pix4D certified, the industry leading photogrammetry software suite for drone mapping.

Image Acquisition

Ground Control

Data Processing / Visualization

Calculations and Analysis

Our Aircraft


WingtraOne GEN I PPK

The WingtraOne is a high-precision mapping drone that offers the convenience of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) along with the endurance of a fixed-wing aircraft to survey mid-to-large scale projects.  The Es² WingtraOne GEN I is equipped with a high-resolution 42MP Sony RX1RII DSLR camera and PPK GNSS receiver which allows for absolute accuracy down to 1cm without additional ground control.


WingtraOne GEN II PPK

The latest aircraft in our fleet, the WingtraOne GEN II can be equipped with the Sony RX1RII camera for high-precision mapping or the new MicaSense RedEdge-P multispectral sensor, which provides six spectral bands (red, green, blue, near-infrared, red edge, panchromatic). The RedEdge-P can be utilized for vegetation mapping, plant health monitoring, and land-water classification.


DJI Phantom 4 Pro PPK

The DJI Phantom 4 Pro is a quad-copter drone equipped with a gimble-mounted 20MP camera.  Es² has equipped the Phantom 4 Pro with a BAAM.TECH PPK module for additional mapping accuracy.  The Phantom is great for small mapping projects and for oblique imagery.

Our Projects


Industrial Construction Monitoring - Cajun Industries, LLC

Es² acquired UAS imagery monthly over the course of one year to document progress and measure quantities for the construction of a 100-acre industrial facility in south Louisiana.  Es² provided a web mapping application for the client to interact with the 2D and 3D data.

Landfill - Waste Management

Waste Management is contracted with Es² to provide UAS mapping for their landfills in south Louisiana.  Es² files their 700-acre Woodside Landfill in Walker, LA every quarter to provide an up-to-date terrain model for free-space calculations.

Container Terminal - Port of New Orleans, LA

Es² flew the 400-acre container terminal at the Port of New Orleans.  An ortho mosaic, digital surface model, and digital elevation model were produced.  This data allowed Es² to revise the existing GIS utility layer without performing on the ground surveys.  The Port NOLA engineering department uses the elevation data for project planning and design.

(225) 927-7171

©2023 by Es²

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